Summit Academy OIC's Student Success Fund

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Summit Academy OIC

Creating a community where adults work, children learn and the community thrives begins with a job!


raised by 32 people

$10,000 goal

Student Success Fund

Our vision is to create a community where adults work, children learn and the community thrives. This begins with a job. We need to help our students persevere towards this vision. Summit Academy has created a Student Success Fund to provide students with the critical support they need to complete their training and begin their career. This fund provides stipends to students for things like laptops, hotspots, childcare tuition, groceries and personal protective equipment.

Our goal is to foster self-sufficiency in every student. When a student graduates from Summit they are equipped with the education, skills and social networks needed to overcome barriers to economic opportunity. The Student Success Fund helps students cover life's expenses until they are able to launch their career and support themselves and their families.

Too often, a simple car repair or loss of affordable child care prevent a student from making it to graduation. Forty-six percent of our September class cohort report that they are unemployed and twenty-nine percent report having a part-time job.  You can help increase economic mobility by making a contribution today to the Student Success Fund.

When you make a contribution now though November 19, 2020, the Doran Family will match your gift! Help us unlock this $10,000 challenge by making a donation today in support of our Student Success Fund.

This fundraiser supports

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Summit Academy OIC

Organized By Tracy Madden

Giving Activity


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