Cleanliness is a small taste of Heaven

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Sisters Need a Place-SNAP
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No one should have to feel ashamed because they don't have money to access laundry facilities


raised by 4 people

$5,000 goal

Every morning you wake up and you are able to shower and get dressed in clean clothes that you were able to wash the night before. You're lucky... there are many families that do not have that same luxury.  Many are stressing about where the next meal will come from. Families that live the comforts in an encampment don't necessarily have that same option. 

This year SNAP will dedicate the funds raised to provide families with laundry vouchers. All it takes is a donation of $10 from you. In 2018 more than 40% of parents with primary school children have had to forgo basic hygiene or cleaning products because they cannot afford them, according to a study, reported by Neil Shaw. With covid-19 and the increase of encampments across the Twin Cities, SNAP wants to help improve the quality of life for these families.

We are partnering with Laundry facilities in North Minneapolis and surrounding suburban area to issue laundry vouchers. It only takes $3.00 to wash and dry 1 load. Imagine not being able to change into a clean shirt or pair of pants. A family of 4 averages about 5-6 dirty loads a week. But many that are homeless/ shelter less may not have that much. 

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