1,500 students, 90,000 entrees, 350,000 actions

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Compassionate Action for Animals

Your gift helps us cook with students, get vegan entrees served + creates change for animals.


raised by 93 people

$30,000 goal

Your matched gift will help us reach 1,500 students, get 90,000 vegan entrees served in schools, and get students and adults to take at least 350,000 actions for animals in 2024.

Here's how your gift contributes toward each of our goals.

Introduce 1,500 Students to Vegan Cooking

By building relationships with school Family and Nutrition Science classes, parks, after-school clubs and job training programs, our staff will introduce 1,500 youth to vegan food and cooking in 2024.

Research we've done in partnership with VegFund shows that trying vegan food is what makes people the most interested in continuing to consume it.

But we don't stop there. We also educate about the animal, environmental, and health benefits of plant-based eating.  

Your gift (matched 1:1 through year end) is what makes this education possible.

Support Students in Creating Change: 90,000 Vegan Entrees in 2024

We started in Richfield, moved to Bloomington, and helped youth advocate with school nutrition professionals around the state. 

Bloomington students won plant-based burgers in school lunches when they went to their school board.

Eva, with support from Jodi, presented at the Minnesota School Nutrition Conference to school nutrition professionals from across Minnesota.

Eva shared her personal experience of going vegan for animal and environmental reasons, and how she was then able to help her father’s health improve by adding plant-based dishes to the family lineup. Then she shared data from a survey she did showing the strong interest high school students across the metro expressed in eating plant-based foods. Jodi arranged for the talk, and shared more data on the environmental, health, and school budget benefits.

After the talk, cooks and directors mobbed them, saying they were interested, but needed more help to include more plant-based meals.

That’s where you come in. The impact of your gift goes far beyond the dollar-for-dollar match. It empowers students like Eva to take action. It helps Jodi follow up with cafeteria workers, providing them with school-approved plant-based recipes and marketing support. And it spares animals, as at least 90,000 plant-based entrees will be served next year thanks to generous gifts from people like you.

Get Minnesotans to Take 350,000 Actions for Animals

Through postcards, petitions, and social media outreach, we'll get Minnesotans to take 350,000 actions for animals in 2024.

We've learned from Faunalytics that opposition to factory farming is the most effective way to get the general public to take action. We've seen that proven time and time again this year as we've conducted public outreach. 

In 2024 there's the opportunity to move towards concrete changes in the treatment of Minnesota's animals. Partners are working to introduce legislation to ban extreme confinement, like gestation crates where mother pigs aren't allowed to stand up. 

With your support, we can vastly scale up our outreach, getting Minnesotans to take 350,000 pro-animal actions this year. 

Once they take that first step, we'll invite them to try vegan food and transition toward plant-based eating. 

We're kicking off postcard outreach in partnership with the local restaurant Trio Plant-Based. They're offering people a free lemonade if they stop in and bring one of the 5,000 postcards we'll mail to neighbors, asking them to sign the crate-ban petition.

Each postcard costs about $1.50 to print and mail. 


Our goals for animals are BIG and your support is critical. Please consider joining our Circle of Care by making, or increasing, a monthly donation. It's an easy way to expand your own support of farmed animals, and your first gift is matched!

Your generous matched gift today will help us reach the goals above by raising $30,000 by December 31.

If you prefer to give by mail, you can send a check to Compassionate Action for Animals, 2100 1st Avenue South, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55404. You can also make a gift of stock here.

All gifts made in any format by year end will receive the 1:1 match.

Thanks for all you do to move our work for animals forward!

Laura Matanah, Executive Director, on behalf of the CAA Board and Staff


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