Hope Reimagined: Mental Health & Wellness

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Northeastern Minnesota Synod, ELCA
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"Hope Reimagined" fully supports the Mental Health & Wellness ministry of the NEMN Synod.


raised by 43 people

$50,000 goal

Tomorrow's the Day!

Update posted 1 year ago

Tomorrow is Give to the Max Day! A day that celebrates the generosity of donors and the great work done by scores of nonprofits and ministries across Minnesota!

This year, the Northeastern Minnesota Synod is using this opportunity to grow our Mental Health & Wellness Ministry. Help us reach our goal of $50,000 to further support this important ministry in our synod!

Together as the church, we are equipped to speak a word of hope for those suffering with mental illness, depression, anxiety, and addiction, among other challenges. Help us impact real lives in real time!

Over the next 24 hours, I'll share a few updates about our progress towards this year's goal, celebrate supporters, and share stories along the way. THANK YOU for your generosity in sharing God's abundance with those in need of hope and wholeness.

In Christ's love,

Pastor Taryn Montgomery

Synod Minister for Discipleship & Christian Community

Hope Reimagined: 

Campaign for Mental Health & Wellness

The NEMN Synod's Mental Health & Wellness Ministry provides resources, education, and support for congregations and individuals alike, and all from a faith-based perspective.

Joy Hensel, Synod Minister for Mental Health and Wellness, has been instrumental in this ministry from the beginning! According to Joy, churches have the unique opportunity to:

  • Gather for authentic conversations.
  • Provide engaging education that nurtures self-awareness.
  • Create a safe space for connection, questions, stories and play.
  • Be a bridge that connects all ages to resources.
  • And doing so within a faith context that speaks to the depths of despair and promises of hope.

Hear Joy Hensel, in her own words, describe the need and breadth of this important work.

The goals for Hope Reimagined are:

  1. Establish stable funding for the Synod Minister for Mental Health & Wellness position for fiscal year 2024.
  2. Enable additional resources, events, and trainings to be utilized across the NEMN Synod, all connected to our shared faith and sense of spirituality.
  3. Further develop meaningful programs relating to the mental health of children, youth, and young adults in a post-pandemic context.

Initially funded by grants and the generosity of area congregations, the Northeastern Minnesota Synod desires to establish solid and stable sources of funding to ensure this ministry not only continues, but flourishes into the future. 

Therefore, our goal for Hope Reimagined 2023 is $50,000. And we believe that together, we can reach it!

Your generosity and prayerful encouragement of this ministry is essential. Thank you for sharing God's abundance with our larger synod, and supporting the mental health and wellbeing of all God's children!

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