Give to the Mack 2024

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Mile in My Shoes
Fundraiser image

Help us reach our goal and get a special thank you from Mack or Ozzie - and a holiday surprise!


raised by 54 people

$6,000 goal

2023 UPDATE: Read to bottom for contest info!

Hey friends & family! 

For many years, Mile in My Shoes was our baby. Now that we have two actual babies, our MiMS community has amazingly become even more valuable to our family. We our extremely fortunate that Mack & Ozzie will be raised by the village that is our MiMS family. They will grow up surrounded by some of the best people around, people who have experienced homelessness, addiction, and incarceration - experiences that not only do not define them, but are part of what has made them the amazing people they are today. We are so lucky that MiMS members have taken a chance on us - they challenge us to think & act differently every step of the way. We could not be more grateful that we are be able to share this community of people with our sons. This is all to say, we feel completely validated in using all the renditions of their (formerly) chubby selves to help support this group that will have such a positive impact on them. 

We are thrilled that all GTMD giving will be matched up to $20k (!) by a group of amazing supporters. We are less thrilled that, thanks to a shared family love to running everywhere, our two little guys are now decidedly less chubby. However, we are committed to overwhelming our donors with cuteness, extra chins be damned. Donate to our page and Mack or Ozzie cuteness will be coming at ya! As a bonus, when you donate $50 you'll score a MiMS buff, which we will be sure to have Ozzie and Mack model for y'all. Donate $100 and you score one of our trucker caps!

Last year we raised - get this - over $8K for MiMS! Can we do it again?? Well, because we know we ask a lot of you all, we are throwing in some additional motivation this year! If we can reach $6K, we will remake on of these three album covers for our 2023 holiday card. Each donation gets a vote on which cover. So, when you donate this year, make sure to mention which cover gets your vote - vote on Instagram or Facebook, or send us a message with your pick! And then watch our Insta and FB stories to find your personalized thank you - and THANK YOU to everyone for supporting Mile in My Shoes! 

Mishka & Mike

#1 Blondie

#2 Ramones

#3 Beatles

Giving Activity


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