#GiveAtHome: Alexandra House Virtual Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Alexandra House Inc
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Raise $20,000 (w/ match) to support domestic & sexual violence intervention & prevention programs!


raised by 77 people

$20,000 goal

We have a matching gift!

Update posted 4 years ago


Thanks to an anonymous donor, we have secured a $10,000 match for our #GiveAtHomeMN campaign; meaning every dollar donated will be matched up to $10,000. Take advantage of this opportunity to DOUBLE your donation and help us meet our goal of $20,000 ($20,000 total with our matching gift)! Can we count on your help to meet our $10,000 match? ) and make our match! Every dollar donated will provide services to survivors and every dollar brings families closer to a violence-free life.

Since 1977, Alexandra House has served as an ally, a resource, and a refuge for survivors of domestic, sexual, and relationship violence, and abuse in later life - providing a 24-hour emergency shelter; support groups, housing and supportive services; food shelf and basic needs assistance; legal advocacy and legal assistance, youth services program; community education and professional training. We help survivors access basic needs while providing life-saving programming, ensuring our clients achieve safe and healthy lives. 

During a large-scale public health crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, domestic violence programs continue to be on the front lines of supporting our most vulnerable community members. Studies have shown relationship abuse increases during natural disasters. Unraveling social networks, loss of income, lack of access to medical care, and overall scarcity heightens stress during disasters, which can leave people experiencing abuse especially those who are vulnerable. Programs working to end relationship abuse provide critical support in times of crisis and are integral to the health and safety of our communities across the state. We are doing our best to keep everyone healthy and safe while ensuring quality services to our clients. 

We have, to date, expended nearly $10,000 in purchasing needed, but unbudgeted, supplies that are necessary to ensure the health and safety of our shelter residents and our staff.  These include items like additional trash cans, disinfectant wipes and cleaning supplies, plastic lunch trays, thermometers, individually packaged food, gloves, face masks, etc.   We anticipate additional expenses in keeping up with supplies, training for staff, increased need of staffing to maintain new safety protocols as well as the anticipated need for additional staffing to reinforce shelter and facility staff who may need to self-quarantine or isolate due to exposures or illness, and costs connected to quarantine procedures of residents when necessary.

Alexandra House needs support from donors LIKE YOU to keep our prevention, emergency shelter, helpline, and sustained housing and supportive services going strong.  Please give meaningfully!

Your donation will: 

✅ purchase necessary cleaning and disinfecting and PPE supplies

✅ keep our helpline running 24/7

create safety plans for a victim/survivor that they use during and after their stay at our emergency shelter

✅ give a survivor a chance to stay stably housed after leaving our shelter

✅ comforting support of knowledgeable advocates

✅ offer a survivor help with difficult legal issues

✅ put domestic and sexual violence safety resources in schools, workplaces, apartment buildings, clinics, worship places, and businesses

✅ and so much more...

Check out our Stories of Hope video to learn more about our programs.

Get a return on your generosity! Gift $300 to Alexandra House today and then deduct that $300 on your 2020 taxes—no need to itemize. Donate today!

The CARES Act incentivizes charitable donations with a $300 “above-the-line” deduction. This is a short-term provision, expiring in October. If you take the standard deduction on your 2020 tax return (the one that you'll file in 2021), you can claim a brand new "above-the-line" deduction of up to $300 for cash donations to charity you make this year. Donations to donor-advised funds and certain organizations that support charities are not deductible.

Giving Activity



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