Support South High Soccer!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Friends of South High Foundation, Inc.Your donations provide equipment, transportation, and additional coaches. Thank You!
raised by 30 people
$6,000 goal
4 months left
Thank you so much for taking the time to view the South High Soccer fundraising page! We depend on fundraising to support and provide a high-quality program for our remarkable teams of exceptional young athletes. Our program strives to build character and integrity in each of our players.
We truly appreciate any support you can give to our program. Your generosity will make the most of the team’s hard work by helping to pay for coaching staff and purchase new team equipment. Donations are vital to the success of this program.
Your gift is tax-deductible and you will receive a receipt by email for your donation.
Please help these Gallant Tigers achieve their goal, root for a successful season and then share on your Facebook, Twitter, email, and/or text message. Visit for more information about the teams and boosters!
Thank you for your generous support!
Go Tigers!
Coach Ezirike, Coach Ihme, and the South Soccer Booster Club