Echo's of the Heart

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Cardiostart International Incorporated
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CardioStart urgently needs an echo machine and transesophageal probe for our pediatric missions.


raised by 2 people

$35,000 goal

URGENTLY NEEDED:  Refurbished echocardiogram machine, probes and transesophageal probe for our pediatric cases.

CardioStart International is a heart surgery and cardiac care non-profit that was developed in 1987 to bring heart surgery to developing countries.  CardioStart does not utilize a band-aide approach to medical mission work.  Sites are chosen to develop a fledgling or potential program with the support of:

*Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology 

*medical supply/equipment containers 

*outreach public health screening and education 

*bedside and operating room direct teaching and skill transfer  

For every child or adult brought to Western programs for surgery, a team can train a site to perform the care, keeping the patient and their family in their home country.  This maintains the family unit in their cultural setting and the education that remains long after the team exits leaving the skill excellence of the local team to treat many patients thereafter.  

CardioStart volunteers take time from their work and family, the expense of travel and earnings to provide free heart care and training to local teams.  We provide both pediatric (child) and adult programs.  The heart surgery teams address both congenital (from birth) and acquired heart disease.  (Valvular Rheumatic heart disease and Coronary heart disease).  

The local hospitals invite CardioStart to help them with their programs and training to bring gold-standard care to the patients who are underserved medically because of cost, location and availability.  Missions are one to two-week in length and multiple times per year over a course of time until the site is self-sustaining.  

Your help is needed to assist us in funding a vital, expensive piece of refurbished equipment urgently needed to use in the screening and assessment of pediatric patients.  Please consider a donation today to help us fund this vital need for our pediatric patients to have a bright future.

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