Donate to Community Power and Learn "About Power"

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Community Power

With a minimum donation of $30, you'll help us and help yourself to a copy of George's book!


raised by 8 people

$1,000 goal

Support Energy Democracy and 

Learn What It's All About

"About Power: How to Democratize Electricity Now" brings George Crocker's decades of experience, from the acid rain and powerline fights of the 1980s to today's climate chaos, into one place, held together with a hopeful narrative and his unique sense of humor. You will learn about the origins of Community Power, the work we do, and why we do it!

Your tax-deductible contribution will help our 501(c)(3) nonprofit keep going strong. Currently we're working with a Buildings Upgrade Prize from the Department of Energy, new funding from the Environmental Protection Agency and several other state and local foundations, stalwarts that have made our journey possible. 

In our new strategic plan our programs combine working with city elected officials and their staff, participating in different clean-energy coalitions to advocate for better legislation at the state capitol, and navigating low and middle income communities through the changing energy environment and the many new opportunities for home weatherization and electrification. Taken together, we are supporting climate sanity in Minnesota while making people's homes healthier and more efficient!

With two new staff in 2024 and plans for hiring four more in 2025, we will continue to grow, helping do our small part to achieve Crocker's vision of a more democratic, just world. A world with Clean, Local, Equitable, Affordable, Resilient energy, where we can all live better!

Any donation of $30 or more will be rewarded with a copy of the book. When you click donate you will be taken to a Donations page with pre-built options for $25, $50, $75, $100 dollar donations. There is also a space below to put in a custom amount. So remember, $30 and up gets a book!  

Please, to assure that you get your copy, send us an email, indicating that you made your donation and the address where you want it sent. This is a little klunky in this day of AI and ultra-sophisticated commercial come-ons. We know. We also believe that the great people like you who have us on their radar and want to hear "About Power" will understand that a little bit of manual data entry is not the end of the world.


We can also sell additional copies of George's book, so if you are interested, just let us know and we'll make a deal.

Kind regards from the CP Team

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