Lifting Up Immigrant & Refugee Women and Girls

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Women's Initiative for Self Empowerment (WISE)
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I am seeking support from our community to help me raise $1,000 by December 31st for WISE!


raised by 0 people

$1,000 goal

Women's Initiative for Self-Empowerment (WISE) is a non-profit organization that supports immigrant and refugee women, girls and those on the feminine gender spectrum in their journey of self-actualization through culturally-responsive education, advocacy, systems change and resource development.

As an Iranian-American immigrant, I am grateful for the opportunities that have been available to me since moving to the USA. It is not lost on me the sacrifices my parents made to leave Iran after the 1979 revolution, with their desire to look ahead to a brighter, safer and more hopeful future for my family. 

Not all immigrants have the same experiences. Many of their stories and reasoning for a new beginning stem from trauma and hardship. Females especially.


ALL girls & women deserve education and safety. Immigrant and refugee females are a reservoir of creativity, brilliance, resiliency, and future leaders. These families play an integral role in the prosperity of mainstream communities.

Unfortunately, there is a huge, unmet need to provide support to immigrant and refugee girls and women in the areas of leadership development, self empowerment, gender based violence prevention, college prep, English language acquisition, conflict resolution, life skills, career exploration.

There are BASIC yet essential barriers that exist (ex: language, cultural expectations). 

We are WISE work to lift up these women and girls to be SEEN and not invisable, to be HEARD and not underestimated, and to THRIVE with the tools and resources we provide.

Please make a contribution today, in any amount you are able and willing to. Your donation truly makes a grand difference.

Learn more about WISE by visiting

Thank you for your support, 

-Anahita Champion

WISE Board Member, Chair of Marketing Committee

This fundraiser supports

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Women's Initiative for Self Empowerment (WISE)

Organized By Anahita Champion

Giving Activity


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