Change A Life at Twin Cities Veg Fest

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Compassionate Action for Animals
Fundraiser image

Introduce a new person to plant-based eating with your gift-- and get matched!


raised by 24 people

$10,000 goal

The festival paved my way to vegan living, help me pay it forward

Update posted 1 year ago

When I started college at the University of Minnesota, I had already started learning about the terrible treatment of animals raised for food.

I went vegetarian to help the animals. Back then, going vegan seemed too hard.

At school I got involved with CAA’s U of M chapter. Together we all went to Twin Cities Veg Fest.

I was amazed by how varied and tasty vegan food could be! I got recipes. I learned about local restaurants.

After going to the festival, going vegan no longer seemed difficult.

On my birthday, I made the switch, and I haven’t looked back since.

Today, I’m helping create the same experience for others. I’m volunteering on the Twin Cities Veg Fest committee, organizing the cooking demonstrations.

I can’t wait to show others that going vegan is easier than they might think.

And that’s where you come in. Your gift will bring a new person to the festival, into my cooking demo tent, and hand them a delicious sample and a recipe.

If you’ve already given, thank you. We’ve raised more than $8,000 of our $10,000 goal!

If you haven’t given, your support would mean the world to me, and your gift today will be doubled by an anonymous donor.

Together we can make a difference for animals.

-Kelso Anderson, Cooking Demo Coordinator

Did you know that more than 85% of attendees who eat animal products decide to reduce their animal product consumption after attending the festival?

We purposefully reach out to those who eat a mainstream diet through the strategies below.  In the process, we change their lives for the better, as well as the lives of animals raised for food.

We need your help to bring new attendees to the festival--and every gift made between now and August 31 will be matched by an anonymous donor!

$5 puts up a poster that brings a new attendee to try plant-based food.

$50 helps pay for the venue and brings a family to CLIMB Theatre's family programming.

$100 attracts a group of friends who want to learn more about the environmental benefits of plant-based eating through radio advertising on The Current and KMOJ.

$500 brings a softball team that wants to try out the free food samples.

$1,000 changes the hearts and minds of the hundreds of people who attend talks and cooking demonstrations.

You can also give in other ways:

*Buy one on the items on our wish list

*Give through Facebook with no fees

*Donate stock and get a tax break

*Mail a check to Compassionate Action for Animals, 2100 1st Avenue South, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55404.

*Sign up for the Plant-Based Bike Crawl benefitting Twin Cities Veg Fest on August 12.

If you decide to give off of this page, let us know at so we can be sure your gift gets the match.

Twin Cities Veg Fest happens because people like you have been giving and volunteering since 2012.

 Thank you for your generosity!

Giving Activity



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