Give to the Max / Giving Tuesday 2022

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Donate Good Stuff
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DonateGoodStuff helps you find the best homes for your donations. Donate where it's truly needed.


raised by 1 people

$3,500 goal

We are an all volunteer organization and they only way we can make DonateGoodStuff happen is through donations to run the technology and keep this free service available.

We exist because it takes a lot of time and work to search on your own to find good organizations that need your donations, especially the small and mid-sized organizations that do amazing work day-to-day right in your neighborhood.

Donate Good Stuff gives you a list at a click of a button, of the organizations nearest you, plus exactly what they accept, the location and hours, so you aren't wasting time searching. Spend more time getting good donations into the hands of people who will use them for good in your community.

Did you know that one of the very best ways to help the environment is by keeping good working items in use? Each time you donate something use, you are reducing the carbon footprint created by mining, manufacturing, and transporting a new item. We make this easy, which means more people donate.

We need your support -
Help us raise the $3500 that makes the DonateGoodStuff search possible. We give our time and if you give a few bucks, we make this free resource happen.

Together we create a more connected, generous, and greener world

Giving Activity


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