Jane's Our Justice Fundraiser!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Our Justice
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Join me in donating to Our Justice to fund abortion and other reproductive care!


raised by 5 people

$1,000 goal

As abortion and reproductive care are criminalized across the country, more and more people are seeking care in Minnesota. I am so proud to be on the board of Our Justice and to see the impact that we can have by pooling our resources so that all people and communities have the power and resources to make sexual and reproductive health decisions with self-determination. 

In the last five years, we have increased our average direct abortion funding contributions by over 200%. Join me in donating this Give-to-the-Max day to help us meet the full amount requested and ensure that everyone has the resources they need along their journey, whether it's medical costs, lodging, transportation, or childcare. 

Thank you for your commitment to bodily autonomy and abortion access for everyone!

This fundraiser supports

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Our Justice

Organized By Jane Booth-Tobin

Giving Activity


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