Washburn Girls Soccer Boosters

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Minneapolis Washburn Soccer Boosters
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2023 Campaign to raise money to support the Minneapolis Washburn Girls Soccer Program.


raised by 2 people

The Washburn Girls Soccer Boosters is a volunteer organization with the mission of supporting the tradition of a high quality girls soccer program at Washburn High School. The boosters raise funds to support the activities of all Washburn girls soccer teams. We collect booster fees, conduct community fundraisers, and solicit private donations to support program activities. In addition, boosters support the coaches and student-athletes, on and off the field. Boosters also maintain a website, document games in pictures, and organize team social events.

The Minneapolis Public Schools funds only the varsity and junior varsity teams, but at a minimal level. There are no district funds to pay for other coaches. To develop and maintain a strong soccer tradition at Washburn, money is needed to hire coaches and referees. Booster funds are also used to sponsor team-building events like team meals and the kick-off potluck. Your donation will greatly help us create a strong program for our student athletes! 

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