Veterinary Medical Center - GTMD 2023!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

University of Minnesota Foundation
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Share how you care for animals in our community by supporting the Veterinary Medical Center!

40 donors

raised $3,277

100 donor goal

Help us reach 100 gifts today to unlock $30,000 in match funds for critical hospital equipment needs!

On this Give to the Max Day, join the thousands of Minnesotans donating generously to causes they love with a gift to the not-for-profit Veterinary Medical Center. This year, a gift of $30,000 from two generous VMC clients will be unlocked once 100 gifts are made! You can be one of the 100 and help us improve patient treatment and health outcomes with a gift towards critical equipment needs. For every 25 gifts we receive in any amount, $7,500 will be unlocked - that means gifts of all size matter!

A patient uses the Piper Equine Hospital’s standing computed tomography (CT), a donor-funded piece of equipment that allows CVM veterinarians to quickly identify injuries to the head, neck, and legs without putting their patients through the stress of anesthesia.

Your partnership in care is what makes our not-for-profit hospitals a top destination across Minnesota for veterinary care. With your support, pets have access to talented clinicians and state-of-the-art equipment, including a range of specialty tools not commonly found in other veterinary hospitals in Minnesota. When you give in support of critical equipment needs, you make a big impact on an animal’s care and quality of life. 


This year, generous gifts will support our efforts to purchase the following equipment to better serve pets:

Coagulation Analyzer

A tool that is used to evaluate the risk of bleeding or clotting in our veterinary patients which is often part of a monitoring platform for whole health as well as risk management before, during and after surgery. In clinical situations, this equipment is required to assess critical cases and provide immediate results for rapid treatment to improve a pet’s health outcomes. 

Ultrasound System

The ultrasound unit allows the Cardiology Service to visualize the heart for detection of heart disease and determine its severity. This information allows the team to then provide accurate treatment and surgical recommendations. Currently, the service has only one machine, which creates a huge bottleneck and decreases the number of patients that we can see on a daily basis. 

Operating Scope

The operating microscope is a stationary surgical light microscope that is used for delicate and precise surgeries involving the cornea, anterior chamber, and intraocular lens - this tool plays a critical role in cataract surgery. It enables the surgeon to safely enter the eye with surgical instruments, remove a cataract, and position the artificial lens correctly, thus promoting positive patient outcomes. This equipment also has a teaching viewer which allows a surgical assistant, usually a technician or veterinary student, to observe the surgery in great detail along with a camera to display the live surgery on a wall-mounted TV in the operating suite for all other interested participants to view. 

This fundraiser supports

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University of Minnesota Foundation

Organized By Shania Lovelace

Giving Activity


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