Send Valentines to Incarcerated Readers
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Women's Prison Book ProjectDonate to help us send messages of care & connection to incarcerated readers this Valentine's Day.
raised by 72 people
$2,250 goal
10 days left
Each year WPBP volunteers send messages of care and connection to incarcerated women, trans, and nonbinary readers across the country. And each year, we get letters back from them, expressing gratitude knowing that someone on the outside was thinking of them.
Donate now to help sustain our Valentine's Day letter-writing campaign, and ensure we can continue to send messages of care and community beyond bars.
This year, we are hoping to send 3,000 people valentines, but each letter adds up. Your donation helps cover the cost of stamps and materials.
Each volunteer package we assemble contains 20 letters and stamps, costing about $15. Chip in to help cover the cost, every donation helps!
"A little late but I wanted to send a thank you for the Valentine's Day note. I much appreciated the books you and the Women's Prison Book Project sent me. I know all of the women here much enjoy everything they have received also. Lets our mind be somewhere else than where we are."