Twin Cities Tango Collective

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Springboard for the Arts

Twin Cities Tango Collective is creating a thriving culture of tango musicians in the Twin Cities.


raised by 11 people

$6,000 goal

15 days left


Twin Cities Tango Collective is creating a thriving culture of tango musicians in the Twin Cities through community ensembles, live performances, and classes dedicated to the art and culture of Argentine tango music. Ensembles play custom arrangements, perform for seated audiences, invite guest artists / mentors, and organize milongas (social dances) to collaborate with the local tango dance community. 

Argentine tango music is beautiful, engaging, widely varied, with a long history and an active present. For interested musicians in North America, entry points into playing tango can be limited due to the lack of scores, teachers, and general resources necessary to understand the music.

Twin Cities Tango Collective makes this entry point possible for Twin Cities musicians of all levels, and strives to build a central community around the study and performance of Argentine tango music.

New Ensembles

Twin Cities Tango Collective will be building on our success by introducing new ensembles, including an audition-based group and an improvised tango music class and session. We are also functionally acting as a jumping off point for new independent groups to begin by sharing resources and creating a central space for people to connect and play. The result is more tango scores and resources for bands, more involvement for our larger community, more tango bands for the dance community, and more goodwill and solidarity in our tango music scene.

Tango Music Festival

Twin Cities Tango Collective aspires to host a festival to close our year, which runs from September until May. This festival would give all tango ensembles in the Twin Cities a place to showcase their work in concerts, connect with the larger community, and perform for large-scale dance events. The festival is designed to be both an inspirational way to end our year for the ensembles, and a way to encourage and inspire new musicians to join us for the next year.

Twin Cities Tango Collective is fiscally sponsored project of Springboard for the Arts. To give directly to Springboard:

This fundraiser supports

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Springboard for the Arts

Organized By Charles Gorczynski

Use of Funds

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