Support my 30-Hour Sit-a-Thon!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Clouds in Water Zen Center30 continuous hours of meditation to celebrate 30 years of waking up in the Twin Cities
raised by 16 people
$1,000 goal
We don't sit in meditation to become good meditators. We sit in meditation so that we'll be more awake in our lives. - Pema Chödrön
This is the big one!
I'll be at Clouds in Water Zen Center in St. Paul from 7 am on Saturday, March 23rd to 1:00 pm on March 24th - a continuous thirty-hour stretch to honor and celebrate the thirty years our Zen center has been helping to cultivate joy, wisdom, and compassion in the Twin Cities.
I'm inviting you to join in the adventure by donating in support of my sitting meditation on that day. I'm committing to be there for the full 30 hours, in meditation as well as support. (Clouds in Water's Guiding Teacher Sosan Flynn is meditating for the full thirty hours and it's her 65th birthday!)
🍭 To sweeten the deal, I'm committing to not only starting off the event at 7:00 am with the other early birds, but I'll also be taking the graveyard shift, either sitting or supporting those sitting, from 12:00 am - 6:00 am. (#sendcoffee)
We'll be ending the whole 30 hours by ringing 108 bells for peace.
We need your help to keep our sangha thriving and continuing to do its good work of awakening the heart of great wisdom and compassion in the Twin Cities through our programming, social justice work, and being a sanctuary in these dark times. We are run almost entirely on donations and no one is turned away for lack of funds for any of our programming.
My personal goal is to raise $1,000 of our goal of $40,000. Your donation is tax-deductible and will go towards all things Clouds: programming, BIPOC scholarships, maintaining our beautiful space, community outreach, youth and family programming, and more.
This is our biggest fundraiser yet, but it’s more than a way to raise funds – we hope that through sitting together, inviting others in our lives to join or support us, and encouraging meditators throughout the city to participate, we’re reminding our community that Clouds is a sanctuary.
From our services and classes throughout the week to our BIPOC sangha, Racial Awakening Groups, Friday Night Zen, 12-Step Mindfulness Group, Youth & Family Program, Queer Dharma Mornings, and more, Clouds is passionate about creating and maintaining a thriving sangha that celebrates diversity. But we can’t do it without the generosity of people who believe that this ancient spiritual technology is vital, especially in these noisy, tumultuous times.
I know of no better practice than meditation for meeting what we're up against with grace, resilience, courage, and tenderness.
I hope you will donate. But I also hope you will be able to come out and join us at Clouds (or online via Zoom) for some of this time, to experience for yourself the vital energy of this incredible experience!