Rev. Monsignor Richard J Schuler Seminarian Fund
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Catholic United Financial FoundationThe Schuler Fund provides grants to seminarians for living expenses so they can concentrate on their studies and call to priesthood.
raised by 5 people
$1,000,000 goal
The call to the priesthood is a great gift and should be
supported by the entire Catholic community through prayer, guidance, encouragement and financial support. Much of the financial support for tuition, room and board is provided by the diocese and seminary financial aid programs.
But many seminarians also need help with ordinary living expenses.
Typical grants are made to help seminarians pay for books,
health insurance, medical/dental costs, transportation, computers, clothing and other living expenses not normally covered by tuition assistance programs.
Every year the Schuler Fund:
•Distributes more than $54,000 in grants
•Supports more than 130 seminarians in their priestly formation
•Helps seminarians by providing grants to cover living expenses
As the Fund grows, so does its ability to help seminarians.
This can only be accomplished with your help. When thinking about a gift, please consider the following:
•100% of your gift qualifies as a charitable contribution
•100% of your gift is used to provide grants to seminarians
•Because only the Fund's investment income is distributed, your gift will be a perpetual source of support for future priests
•Acceptable Fund gifts include cash, appreciated securities, life insurance and estate/deferral gifts