People & Pets Together Give to the Max Fundraiser!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Bond Between (formerly Secondhand Hounds)
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We know pets are family. We help families stay together. Donate today to make a difference!


raised by 207 people

$20,000 goal


Update posted 2 years ago

For Give to the Max Day, we asked for your help to ensure that we can continue providing much needed help to people and pets in our community. And you responded with incredible generosity! We met (and surpassed) our matching gift goal!

It has been a year of growth for our program, and we need your help more than ever.

People & Pets Together was founded in 2009 in response to an economic downturn and heartbreaking stories of people who were forced to give up their pets due to financial hardship. Today, our services are more needed than ever. Many loving pet owners are finding themselves facing difficult choices - sometimes between feeding themselves and feeding their pets. No one should have to make that choice, which is where People & Pets Together comes in. Your support will allow us to continue to provide pet food and supplies to a growing number of people in need. Even more exciting? In December we will move into our new home, the Chuck & Don's Pet Wellness Center, where we will be able to expand our services to include veterinary care and grooming for low-income families, and help with training. All with the goal of keeping pets with the people who love them.

“I think I could stand to lose everything else, but I can't give up my dogs.”

This comment from a client at the People & Pets Together pet food shelf is a sentiment we often hear. Sometimes — in sickness, or after losing a job — we need our pets the most when we can least afford them.

People & Pets Together helps families facing economic hardship by providing pet food to food shelves in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area, by operating a pet food shelf in Minneapolis, with a veterinary assistance grant program, and through other programs that keep pets healthy and in loving homes.

By supporting the relationships that people have with their pets, People & Pets Together hopes to improve the health of our communities and let everyone feel the love and support that a relationship with a pet can bring.

2021 has been a busy year! Each week at the People & Pets Together pet food shelf we help dozens of families feed and care for beloved pets. In addition, more than 90,000 pounds of pet food has been delivered to Twin Cities food shelves so far this year!

Want more information about People & Pets Together? Take a look here:

No matter how much you choose to give, your donation to People & Pets Together makes a difference!

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