Help Support MN350's Clean Transportation Team!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

MN350: Climate Justice for Minnesota
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Please help me and my wonderful team meet our goal of raising $300 for MN350 by the end of the day!


raised by 4 people

$300 goal

I have been with MN350 for a little bit over a year now, and no matter what craziness is thrown my way- I am so grateful to have an incredible team to lean on for support, guidance, and strength to do this work. 

Our team has accomplished a LOT in 2023, and we did it together! We were able to do the following:

  1. Advocate for electric school buses at a state level! In the 2023 legislative session we were able to help draft, support, and advocate for a state funded Electric School Bus Grant Program. This was the first of its kind in Minnesota, and will prioritize communities that are already disproportionately affected by air pollution. This bill was passed by Senator Port and Representative Hanson. Oh, and did I mention we got $13 million attached to this bill? That'll get Minnesota 30 electric school buses!
  2.  Connected school districts and stakeholders! Through the power of relationships and coalition building, we were able to work with multiple school districts and bus companies to help support them in applying for the EPA's Clean School Bus Grant Program. Minnesota sent in 25 applicants for the grant program this year!
  3. Get the word out! We were able to publish multiple op-eds, and podcasts, and speak on panels surrounding the importance of electrifying Minnesota's school bus fleet. 
  4. Amplifying student's voices! We were able to work with multiple student groups in supporting them in getting meetings down with their transportation directors, getting in front of the school board, and making sure students' voices and health were prioritized in this transition. 

These are just a few of the many things we were able to get done this year, and I know we can do even more in 2024! We want to get Minnesota at least 50 more electric school buses, engage even more communities and help them have a just transition to electric school buses- and support infrastructure needs. 

We can do this! However, I am the only paid staff person for this team- everyone else on my team is dedicated individuals who take time out of their own busy lives to support Minnesota's climate, health, and students. This is why I am asking for your gift today, to support my amazing team so we can continue to do this work! Any gift is incredible and greatly appreciated. 

Thank you so much! 

This fundraiser supports

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MN350: Climate Justice for Minnesota

Organized By Sonita van der Leeuw

Giving Activity


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