Nacel Open Door Scholarship Fund

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Nacel Open Door
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The NOD Scholarship Fund provides deserving students with meaningful educational opportunities.


raised by 5 people

$5,000 goal

2020 Scholarship Campaign

Update posted 4 years ago

Give to the Max Day may be over, but our 2020 Nacel Open Door Scholarship Fundraising continues.  Thank you to those who have already made generous donations!  

For all those whose lives have been positively affected in big ways and small

by an international student exchange experience, 

we invite you to celebrate and give thanks in a way that pays it forward…  

 We know that this year has been a difficult one for many, Nacel Open Door included. We acknowledge that many people may not be in a position to make a large donation, especially this year. But for those who find themselves in a place that fulfills their desire and ability to contribute, we would welcome their donation, in any amount.         

   Big or small, your gift to the Nacel Open Door Scholarship Fund 

will be appreciated and helpful.  

Nacel Open Door (NOD), a nonprofit student exchange organization dedicated to promoting international understanding and language education, is committed to providing accessible and affordable programs.  Nacel Open Door Scholarships are an important part of NOD's long-standing desire to provide students the opportunity to experience and learn from other cultures, regardless of their financial means.  Nacel Open Door relies on student fees as the primary funding for its programs, and the significant reduction in student numbers due to the COVID-19 pandemic has had substantial impact on program funding. NOD is especially hopeful for additional donations to its Nacel Open Door Scholarship Fund this year, in order to continue providing scholarship assistance to students with financial need.

In addition to the Nacel Open Door Memorial Scholarships, in memory of Rich Banasikowski and Arnold Franco, Nacel Open Door also wishes to offer support for a scholarship student in Botswana this year.  Read on to learn about Gofa, and how your donation of even $5 or $10 can help her this year!

From NOD's partnership with Dream Academy in Oodi, Botswana, comes the story of Gofaone (Gofa).  She was Dream Academy's first ever international student. The plan had been that she would come to the United States through Nacel Open Door to complete her senior year of high school, immersing herself in American culture prior to enrolling at an American university.  But then came COVID-19 and plans changed; Gofa was unable to get her visa or travel to the U.S.  Instead, not giving up on what she started, Gofa gratefully agreed to get up early every morning to travel 15 miles to a place where she has reliable internet, in order to complete her senior year of high school online.  

About her international education experience, Gofa writes:

I had never imagined that one day I would be studying abroad. This was just far from my imaginations, ... until I was offered the opportunity to study abroad. Being an international student has far been the greatest experience. Not only do you get the opportunity to study in a foreign country, but you also get the opportunity to meet new people, learn about different cultures and their languages, the food and their unique way of doing certain things. …  Not only do you get to learn people’s languages and culture but you also share and teach people your culture, the language, the food, and interesting places for them to visit if they wished to visit Botswana one day. Another thing about being an international student is that you meet people and form long lasting relationships. This is an opportunity that I would not trade ... for anything.

 While going to school online has become the norm for the vast majority of students during the pandemic, it’s not a simple solution for Gofa.  Thankfully, Dream Academy has arranged for Gofa’s tuition ($655 per month), internet ($55 per month), meals ($25 per week), and transportation ($60 per month), as part of their commitment to seeing Gofa graduate.  And since Gofa was supposed to participate in the Nacel Open Door Academic Year Program this year, we welcome donations to the Nacel Open Door Scholarship Fund in order to provide financial support for Gofa to complete her senior year of high school.

Giving Activity


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