Persona Dolls for Sunshine!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Sunshine Montessori School
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Each 3-foot-tall doll is handmade to promote anti-bias and anti-racist learning at Sunshine!


raised by 1 people

$1,000 goal

Sunshine hopes to purchase a few persona dolls with funds raised during Give MN in November!

Each 3-foot-tall doll is handmade and designed to promote anti-bias and anti-racist learning and education. The curriculum was developed HERE IN MINNESOTA to support educators as they “cover a variety of ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds, as well as different family structures and lived experiences. Each doll’s story is created with input from members of the community that doll represents. By interacting with the dolls, children learn social skills, conflict resolution, and problem-solving. Using AmazeWorks Persona Dolls is a wonderful way to understand and support the growth of social-emotional skills in children.”

One doll comes with printed curriculum guide, supplemental lessons, and training video for our staff! We hope to eventually have 4-5 dolls in our Sunshine community!

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