Lights On! - A Program of MicroGrants

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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An innovative program healing police-community relationships.


raised by 18 people

$10,000 goal

What We Do

We provide law enforcement with a new tool in their tool belt to heal police-community relationships by replacing tickets with repair vouchers. 

How it Works

Lights On! provides a new approach to a societal problem – instead of punishing drivers for broken lights, we turn a dreaded traffic stop into an opportunity to create positive interactions between communities and law enforcement. Instead of a ticket, officers can give drivers with a burned out bulb a free voucher to get it fixed at participating auto shops. This program helps low-income individuals who may not be able to afford the repair.

Who We Are

Lights On! was created in response to the death of Philando Castile by MicroGrants, a non-profit that boosts economic self-sufficiency for low-income individuals. This program started in the Twin Cities and has received incredible demand from across the country.  Lights On! has more than 165 law enforcement and 450 auto shop partners across 21 states. 

Donate Now to Help Fund Community Healing

A person should never have to choose between buying groceries or getting a taillight fixed. Over 10,000 individuals have received a Lights On! voucher, eliminating the financial stress of a ticket and paying for the repair. This healing is not possible without community funding, which is why we ask you to donate today!

Learn More

Watch the video below to learn more about the program

This fundraiser supports

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Organized By Kris Barstow

Giving Activity


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