Tee McClenty - MN350

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

MN350: Climate Justice for Minnesota
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Help us meet our goal of raising $40,000 for MN350 by the end of the day!


raised by 1 people

$40,000 goal

It's no secret that *people* are the heart and soul of the climate justice movement. And each person has their own reasons for being involved and activated.

Why did you jump into the climate justice arena?

What drew you to MN350?

For me, it's a mix of family well-being and some real-life ER experiences. Having spent almost two decades in emergency medicine, I saw firsthand the toll our changing climate takes on people's health. From asthma to cancer to heart issues, climate impacts are not a distant problem for someone else to worry about. They're right there in the ER — and at my kitchen table with my son who has had asthma since he was born. I couldn't sit back while corporate greed took precedence over the health of my family and community.

When you support MN350, you support a movement of passionate people across the state working for healthier communities, fighting for accountability and justice, organizing against extractive systems, and ensuring that the benefits of the clean energy transition flow first to frontline communities like those I met in the ER.

Your contribution, big or small, is a cornerstone in our battle against climate change and injustice. Thanks for being a vital part of our community and for making MN350 part of your story.

This fundraiser supports

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MN350: Climate Justice for Minnesota

Organized By Tee McClenty

Giving Activity


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