Deepening our Roots at Good Courage Farm

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Good Courage Farm
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Support food justice and ecological renewal at the intersection of farming and faith...


raised by 3 people

$12,000 goal

Good Courage Farm is like a part of the "mycelial network." Have you heard of this miraculous, unseen web of life?

In recent years, scientists have started understanding that in healthy soils, mycelium (the unseen, underground parts of mushrooms), act as millions of miles of connective threads between trees and plants. Through this network, plants, trees, and fungi cooperate to share nutrients and water and even communications! 

"The mycelial network is a shared economy, where ecosystems flourish without greed. The mycelium underfoot ensures their close-by neighbors have the resources...they need to flourish. But they also have formed ways to distribute nutrients across their entire network."  ~ experts at Fantastic Fungi.

At Good Courage Farm, we are connected to a life-giving network that shares and receives the blessings of healthful food and renewed faith. 

We honor our relations with:

... the web of life on the farm from soil microbes, to the raptors who keep rodent populations in balance, to the many native pollinator species

... our food ministry partners, including First Nations Kitchen and San Nicolas, who nourish their communities with love-raised food 

... neighbors, volunteers, and visitors from near and far, who are building a practice of work, life, and prayer together.

And we recognize that this land's relationship with us is very new, but goes way back with the Wahpekute people. As a step in our learning, we pay an annual land tax to the Indian Land Tenure Foundation.

Good Courage Farm is an agrarian ministry connected to the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement. The farm offers faith-filled neighbors of diverse identities a beautiful place to work together to cultivate community and food in just and joyful ways. 

Through Good Courage Farm - and in collaboration with our ministry partners in rural Central Minnesota and the Twin Cities -  our staff and our volunteers work together to grow and give away local, healthful produce to people faced with food insecurity.  In 2023, we shared more than 7,000 servings of healthful, organic produce with neighbors who might otherwise not have access to locally grown food. God's providence and the support of our donors make this generosity possible. 

The farm hosts individuals, groups and interns for immersive experiences in  regenerative agriculture and Creation-affirming Christian practice. Past interns have gone on to find life-giving vocations at the intersection of faith and farming.

People of all faiths and none are welcomed to the farm for regular opportunities to learn about regenerative agriculture and ecological stewardship. In 2024, we're "Deepening our Roots", working ever more closely with our food ministry partners and with participants in our farm-based education and faith formation programming.

Come to Good Courage for seasonal opportunities for prayer, work and Sabbath-making, and for communal keeping of agrarian feasts of the Church year.

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