Stop Starry- Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Minnesota Lakes & Rivers - Protection & EducationStop Starry- a program to detect and stop the spread of aquatic invasive species Starry Stonewort
raised by 2 people
$20,000 goal
Starry stonewort is an aquatic invasive species (AIS) that represents a significant threat to Minnesota’s lake ecology and lake based tourism. It grows in pristine lakes, anywhere from 2-25 feet deep, and is extremely expensive and labor intensive to mitigate once it takes hold. Lake Koronis was the first Minnesota lake to be infested with Starry stonewort in 2015. Since then, the attempts at removal have cost the lake $170,000 annually, without being fully successful.
Starry stonewort is transported from an infested lake to a pristine lake by boats that aren't properly decontaminated as they move between bodies of water. The DNR has identified the biggest barrier to boaters engaging in behavior that can mitigate AIS spread is lack of tools and equipment.
To bridge this gap, MLR has been securing CD3 Waterless Cleaning Stations for use at public boat accesses. They are units equipped with tools for boat decontamination that are open 24 hours per day.
Our best course of action, to save millions of dollars statewide and to protect our natural ecosystems, is to prevent the spread of Starry Stonewort in the first place through the use of CD3 Waterless Cleaning Stations. Widespread use of these machines will help promote a civic pride around protecting the waters we love.
Thank you for your donation toward the protection of Minnesota’s lakes!