Give to The Max 2013

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Twin Cities Maker
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Twin Cities Maker is a community group dedicated to Making, Sharing, and Learning. We run the "Hack Factory" a makerspace in Minneapolis.


raised by 9 people

$5,000 goal

This year, in conjunction with Give to the Max Day, we're hosting a pint sized version of our annual Minne Faire, the Micro Minne Faire.  This exhibition will include a group build of a Skee-Ball style machine, live music, and demonstrations for all 24 hours of GTTM.  Stop by our faciltiy, the Hack Facotry for 24 hours of free making, hacking, and all around creative fun.  

Our mission is to support the local community of makers, hacker, tinkerers and artists and provide opportunity for them to share their passions by providing support, facilities, equipment and opportunities for them to Make anything they want, Share their work, and Learn from other like minded individuals.

The anchor for this mission is our facility, the "Hack Factory." This community workshop or makerspace (aka hackerspace) is located in the Seward neighborhood of Minneapolis. It offers classroom, and meeting spaces as well as shops that provide members the opportunity to practice myriad crafts and skills, and teach classes.

We strive to offer a comprehensive wood, metal, electronics and most anything workshop to our members, and allow access to these shops to the public through member led workshops and classes. We are starting to expand our outreach by hosting mini-makerspaces at events and hope to offer more programming out in the community in the near future.

If you can't make Micro Minne Faire, stop by any Wednesday evening, for our weekly Open House from 7 to 10 PM.

This fundraiser supports

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Twin Cities Maker

Organized By Twin Cities Maker

Giving Activity


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