FOCP - Appetite for Change

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Feeding Our Communities Partners
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Each dollar is doubled! Ensure local youth have full plates, nourished minds and enriched happiness!


raised by 2 people

$10,000 goal

Fueling minds and nourishing spirits in the community!

Double your dollars! With the generous donation match from our friends at CHS all donations made today will come with a second serving of impact!

It's natural to anticipate the upcoming holidays. Family gatherings, festive activities, and time spent gathering around the dinner table with loved ones are a hallmark of the season.

But for many families, the holiday seasons are a time of intense stress due to food insecurity. Many families rely on the federally funded free and reduced lunch program to provide essential nutrition to their child during school days but during the extended holiday breaks, students may not have access to regular meals at home.

 For families already struggling to thrive on a tight budget, the additional holiday vacation days create the dilemma of providing more food for the family. Food is typically one of the first sacrifices made when families struggle financially, creating stress, unpredictability, and a lack of adequate nutrition. Students who experience hunger cannot reach their full potential and are more likely to experience developmental and social impairments.

 Hunger can change the holiday season for many. As you sit down with your loved ones at the table this season, consider how the holidays would be different without plates full of seasonal fixings. Consider how the stress of not having enough would drain the joy out of these special moments with your family. Try to envision enjoying a vacation from work or school without adequate food. 

Through our 5 hunger relief programs; the BackPack Food Program, Power Pack Program, Summer Pack Program, STOMP (SummerTime Outreach Meal Program) & the High School Pantry we are able to provide K-12 students with food to be consumed on weekends and extended school breaks.

"BackPack Food makes feeding my family easier while I attend school full time and funds become very tight. I am so thankful for this program!"

--Parent of student

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