Art for Older Adults: The Power of Creativity

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Episcopal Homes Foundation of Minnesota
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Integrating the arts and community into the lives of our residents for lifelong learning.


raised by 0 people

$10,000 goal

Episcopal Homes is dedicated to encouraging lifelong learning and inspiring the creative passions of our residents. We believe every individual’s wellbeing is enhanced through learning and living to their highest potential. 

Research suggests creativity may be key to healthy aging. Our Creative Ventures program staff are always dreaming up ways to inspire creativity and engaging the minds of residents by providing unique opportunities. Every day activities promote physical activity, lifelong learning, and social connections to choose from. Going beyond every day, we offer in-depth art projects, writing classes, and cultural exploration for residents to unleash their power of creativity to nurture the mind, body, and soul. 

At Episcopal Homes we recognize the great diverse group of older adults who call our campuses home. The residents vary widely in range of health, social, and financial statuses. Regardless, every person has access to living a creative life, to partake in the benefits of healthy aging.

Whether you choose to designate a gift for a special purpose or to greatest need, know you are furthering the mission of offering creative solutions to ensure we all thrive as we age. 

In the graffiti art photo, an Episcopal Homes resident stands beside her graffiti tag, a signature of sorts, representing her art. The four month-long class offered by Peyton Scott Russell, the graffiti artist who created the George Floyd mural on 38th and Chicago in Minneapolis, became the teacher to eager residents of Episcopal Homes to explore a new skill.

“Graffiti is the voice of people… We have a need to speak, we have a need to be seen and graffiti opens the door for that.” – Peyton Scott Russell

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