Sustaining supporter $60+

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Twin Cities Cohousing Network
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With an annual gift of $60 or more, a library of cohousing resources opens to you with TCCN Access.


raised by 3 people

With my donation of $60 to TCCN, I saved over $250 in fees to attend the national cohousing conference thanks to my partnership benefit with CohoUS. — Paul W.

You can now receive all of the same benefits as members of cohousing communities that partner with CohoUS by becoming a TCCN sustaining supporter. Any donation of $60 or more made after September 30, 2023 gives you TCCN Access to CohoUS member benefits through December 2024. 

Discounted and FREE CohoUS videos, webinars, and conference videos are all included in your partnership benefits. Save $90 per year over an individual partnership with CohoUS!

To receive TCCN Access benefits, you must be a resident of Minnesota who does not live in an existing cohousing community.

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