Help CeMarr support youth at The Link!!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Link
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You have a chance to show UP for youth in YOUR community!!! Let's SHOW UP!!!


raised by 1 people

$5,000 goal

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Hey everyone! I'm CeMarr and I am The Link's Safe Harbor Division Director!! I care deeply about the young people in our community and my passion hopefully speaks for itself as many of you have had the chance to witness my growth in the field.
Below is some information about our Safe Harbor specific programs, but please note we have over 30 programs across the state of Minnesota!

The Link’s Safe Harbor Programs are in partnership with the state of Minnesota Safe Harbor/No Wrong Door Response. All are grounded in the best practices for working with sexually exploited youth, including trauma informed care, harm reduction, positive youth development, victim-survivor-leader model and culturally inclusive services. These programs include but are not limited to 24/7 Emergency Shelter for Minors, Housing, and Supportive Services. 

Your help would be greatly appreciated by not only myself and The Link team, but by youth in our community, in our programs and our youth staff!

Your donations may assist with things like keeping youth safe and housed,  providing groceries, paying apartment fees, or even something like helping to fund more housing units or shelter space! It all goes to supporting youth, keeping them safe, and keeping them happy, but most of all, helping them to gain self sufficiency and self efficacy! People like you help make programming possible at The Link!

Support Ending Sex Trafficking!

Support Ending Homelessness!


CeMarr Peterson
Safe Harbor Division Director, The Link

This fundraiser supports

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The Link

Organized By CeMarr Peterson

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