Celebrating the Past, Cultivating the Future

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Nicollet County Historical Society
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Support Nicollet County’s agricultural roots with a donation today!


raised by 1 people

$4,000 goal

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming exhibit, "Celebrating the Past, Cultivating the Future," which will showcase the agricultural heritage of Nicollet County. To make this exhibition a resounding success, we need your support. We are launching a fundraising campaign to raise $4,000, and we invite you to join us on this exciting journey.

Why Donate?

Your generous donation will play a vital role in bringing this exhibit to life, supporting design, fabrication, printing, and installation costs. By contributing to our campaign, you will:

  1. Preserve History: Your donation will help us unearth and preserve Nicollet County's agricultural history. This exhibit will provide a unique opportunity for visitors to delve into our county's rich heritage and appreciate farmers' significant contributions throughout the years.
  2. Educate and Inspire: By supporting "Celebrating the Past, Cultivating the Future," you will help us create an engaging and educational experience for visitors of all ages. From interactive displays to informative panels, the exhibit will inspire a deeper understanding of agriculture's challenges, innovations, and impact on our community.
  3. Foster Community Engagement: This exhibition will serve as a gathering place for individuals passionate about preserving our agricultural roots. It will foster connections, conversations, and shared pride in our county's heritage. Your donation will help us create a vibrant community space for future generations.

As a valued donor, your contribution will be recognized in the exhibit, acknowledging your commitment to preserving our agricultural heritage. Additionally, we will express our gratitude by prominently featuring your name on our website and through our social media communications, ensuring that your support reaches a broader audience.

How Can You Help?

We believe that every contribution, regardless of size, makes a difference. So here are some ways you can support our campaign:

  1. Make a Donation: Your financial contribution will directly support the exhibit's development, curation, and maintenance. Visit our donation page to contribute securely and conveniently online. Every dollar brings us closer to our fundraising goal.
  2. Spread the Word: Help us raise awareness about our fundraising campaign by sharing our cause with friends, family, and colleagues on social media platforms. The more people who know about our mission, the greater our chances of reaching our fundraising goal.
  3. Volunteer: If you are passionate about preserving agricultural heritage, consider volunteering your time and skills to support the exhibit. We are looking for dedicated individuals to assist with various tasks, such as event planning, outreach, and exhibit preparation.
  4. Corporate Sponsorship: If you represent a business or organization that aligns with our mission, we invite you to explore sponsorship opportunities. By becoming a sponsor, you can demonstrate your commitment to preserving history and supporting our community.

In addition to monetary donations, we have created an Amazon wish list with specific items needed to make this exhibit come to life. Your contribution through the wish list will directly support procuring essential materials and resources.

Join us in celebrating Nicollet County's agricultural legacy and cultivating a bright future. Your contribution will make a lasting impact, helping us create an exhibit that honors our past and inspires the next generation of farmers, innovators, and community leaders.

Donate today and participate in "Celebrating the Past, Cultivating the Future." Together, we can ensure that our agricultural heritage remains alive and thriving for years to come. Thank you for your generous support!

*** Note: We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Please consult with your tax advisor for specific details.

Giving Activity


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