Bridge the Funding Gap at DaVinci Academy

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

DaVinci Academy of Arts and Science
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We're created this page for families who would prefer to make one donation at the start of the year.


raised by 6 people

$150,000 goal

2 months left

You Can Help DaVinci Bridge the Funding Gap

Many DaVinci families have asked for the opportunity to give a larger,  one-time donation at the beginning of the school year, instead of contributing to multiple school fundraising events throughout the year. 

We’ve listened to your feedback! This page was created for families who wish to make a donation at the beginning of the school year. If every family donated $200, our annual fundraising goal of $250,000 would be met!

Why Support DaVinci?

DaVinci isn’t a private school, why do we ask for money? DaVinci is a public school that provides students with an exceptional private-school caliber education. But, as a charter school, DaVinci has a disadvantage compared to traditional neighboring school districts. While we both receive state funding, traditional public schools can supplement state funding with levy dollars. These dollars are not available to DaVinci. 

So what’s the difference? The big difference is levy dollars.  

Unlike traditional public schools, DaVinci Academy (and other charter schools) do not receive any funds from local, voter-approved levy dollars. Property tax levies make a huge impact on school funding. In fact - DaVinci receives about $2,650 LESS per student. THAT’S OVER $2 MILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR! Imagine what we could do if we had access to the same level of funding as public schools.

Impact on Staff Compensation

The DaVinci Academy employee pay gap is 10%-40% less than neighboring districts! One of the goals of the School Development Committee is to bridge this gap through fundraising so that we can pay our amazing teachers, educational assistants, and staff more!

Your financial assistance supports the long-term financial health of DaVinci Academy to sustain a proven educational model grounded in rigorous academics and personal character development. Join our community of supporters who believe in investing in the future — our children’s futures.

Thank you for your support!

Giving Activity


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