Bright Prospects Preschool: Peri's fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Bright Prospects Cooperative Preschool
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Peri is raising money for the preschool that she goes to, Bright Prospects Cooperative Preschool.


raised by 5 people

$500 goal

Bright Prospects Cooperative Preschool is a nonprofit, parent-run preschool located in south Minneapolis that promotes a positive introduction to the classroom for our littlest learners.  During their time at the school, the kids become more confident, self sufficient, and excited to learn and play with others. The teachers are amazing, and the families who attend and run the school are focused on providing an inclusive and well rounded environment for the kids.  

Donations help to keep our school affordable for all families!

This fundraiser supports

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Bright Prospects Cooperative Preschool

Organized By Jenna Nylund

Giving Activity


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