Aspiring to Inspire at the Folk School

Organization Image

A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Aspire Artisan Studios and Folk School
Fundraiser image


raised by 3 people

$50,000 goal

Since opening our doors as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in 2020, Aspire Artisan Studios & Folk School has been committed to resurrecting the lost trades of the hand-arts.

In partnership with our artisan instructors, we seek to teach and inspire the adventurous do-it-yourselfers, creative dabblers, life-long learners, and those passionate about the hand-arts. Our Folk School provides a space that emboldens our student's creative side, harbors community, and delivers an unforgettable experience.

Aspire's mission is to enrich the community by providing educational opportunities that encourage students to develop their unique talents and artistic abilities.

In order to achieve this mission, we’ve provided a platform for master artisans to share their knowledge and skills with others. It is through these unique experiences that Aspire fosters a culture of community through the hand-arts. As we continue to pursue our mission, our organization is seeking your support to make our efforts go even further.

This year, Aspire is using Give to the Max day to fund the construction of a 12’ x 24’ outdoor classroom structure. Your contribution directly impacts our mission by allowing for increased student attendance, additional Folk School class curriculum, and continued restoration of the lost arts.

All proceeds go toward Aspire Artisan Studios & Folk School at the closing of the fundraiser on December 31st, 2022. Your donation is greatly needed and sincerely appreciated in helping to keep our mission alive.

Giving Activity


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