Rose's Preschool Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Bright Prospects Cooperative Preschool
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Gifts support exceptional quality, affordable preschool education for Rose and her friends!


raised by 4 people

$500 goal

Rose is having a blast in her first year of preschool at Bright Prospects Cooperative Preschool. She's making new friends, burning rubber on the tricycle, learning teamwork, and enjoying hands-on activities in subjects like letters, numbers, art, and science. The teachers are fantastic!

Because the preschool is a nonprofit celebrating its 75th anniversary, we're asking for your help. Any size of a donation makes a difference in supporting this affordable and accessible educational community. Your support will keep this wonderful place going. Thank you for helping out!

This fundraiser supports

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Bright Prospects Cooperative Preschool

Organized By Myles Stallings

Giving Activity


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