Don't just do something, SIT there!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Clouds in Water Zen Center
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Support our 30 hour Sit-a-Thon to raise funds for our beloved Zen community!


raised by 7 people

$210 goal

Team participant

It might seem counterintuitive to tell someone to sit when there's so much to be done to make the world  a better place.  And yet, sitting can lead to better doing.  And better doing is good for all of us! That is why Clouds in Water is hosting a 30-hour Sit-a-Thon fundraiser. One Sangha (practice community) really can make a difference! The Clouds Sangha has really made a difference in my life since I began practicing here 5 years ago.  It feels really good to know that I can be part of this sit-a-thon to be part of cultivating a healthy future for Clouds, not just for me, but for others who walk through those doors. 

One of the reasons I sit in meditation and practice Zen is to help make sure that what I do or say comes from a more grounded, better-for-the-world and better-for-me place.  As I sit, the waves calm and I'm able to more clearly see what's going on under the surface that is causing me harm or causing me to possibly harm others with my words and actions.  I can more easily see how the ripples spread. 

In Youth Practice at Clouds in Water, we plant the seeds of mindfulness for future generations, whether they become Zen practitioners or not.  Both of my kids have been in the Youth Practice and my daughter is now participating in the Teen Practice.  It ripples out. There's a place here for everyone! Practicing Zen, and especially in this Sangha, has helped me be wiser, kinder, and more joyful as a Mom, spouse, teacher, friend, neighbor, customer, citizen and everything else! As Sunryu Suzuki says "Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual everyday routine." 

Zen practice may not be separate from our everyday, but it is essential to have a safe place to practice in Sangha so that we can walk back out the doors and hopefully take all of that wisdom with us.  Clouds in Water is that place for me and for so many others.  Help support us!

My intention

I say "intention", not "goal", because well, life!  I'm hoping to sit for a total of 7 hours on Saturday.  I will be practicing in a different way on Sunday, helping to lead the Youth Practice and then sitting with my teen in the "Teens for 10"!

This fundraiser supports

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Clouds in Water Zen Center

Organized By Sara Sangiovanni

Giving Activity


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