Luminate Hope - 3D Mammography Project

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Lake Region Healthcare Foundation
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A final $200K is needed to complete the 3D mammography technology to Elbow Lake & Fergus Falls.


raised by 5 people

$800,000 goal

Meet Heather... her journey with breast cancer began after her mammogram revealed early-stage breast cancer at Lake Region Healthcare. "You never think it’s going to be you and I would never thought in my life when I was in my 40’s I would be pulling into the cancer parking lot and having to fight the battle but I took it straight on and got it taken care of."  Heather lifts up her care team at Lake Region Healthcare and at the Cancer Center stating " They go above and beyond to meet your needs, everyone in the building is there with you fighting the fight...They are like family to me. "

Help others fight the good fight by donating to the 3D Mammography Project through the Lake Region Healthcare Foundation.  Luminate Hope with us as we provide enhanced services, and innovative and person-centered care for patients and families across the Lake Region Enterprise.

To make a donation to another fund of the Lake Region Healthcare Foundation, CLICK HERE.

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