Ribbon Skirt and Shirt Class and Supplies

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Little Earth Residents Association Inc
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Donate to ensure Little Earth Residents are able to remain culturally connected through clothing.


raised by 50 people

$2,200 goal

Why your donation matters:

A Ribbon Skirt/Shirt (pictured above) represents Native strength and identity. It can be worn at any time but is donned specially for ceremonies and cultural events. 

Our Goal: We want to provide 20 Little Earth Residents with materials to make a Ribbon Skirt/Shirt through a two-day sewing course. In order to conduct the class we need to purchase 4 new sewing machines. 

What your donation provides:

-$50 buys supplies for one person

-$300 provides our sewing teacher's stipend

-$150 provides a sewing machine

Giving Activity


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