2018-19 PTA Member Drive

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A public school fundraiser supporting

Kennedy PTA in Saint Joseph
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Join Kennedy Community School PTA Today


raised by 22 people

Engage. Advocate. Inspire. That's what is at the heart of Kennedy Community School PTA. Each year – thanks to the dedication and commitment of people just like you – we make good on our mission. Our PTA raises tens of thousands of dollars to support the educational experience at Kennedy Community School. Funds support the purchase of much-needed equipment, educational classroom materials and books as well as field trips. Plus, we sponsor fun-filled events like the Elementary School Dance, Family BINGO Night, and more to bring our community together. Finally, each month we collaborate with parents, teachers, school leadership and school board members to create a thriving learning environment for all of our students. Get in on the action. Join PTA.

This fundraiser supports

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Kennedy PTA in Saint Joseph

Organized By Heidi Everett

Giving Activity


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