Organization name
Woodbury Royals Band Boosters Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Children & Family
2 donors
Donate to the Woodbury Royals Band Boosters Inc. and
Help Support the Amazing Students and Staff of the
Woodbury High School Band Program!
The Woodbury Royals Band Boosters Inc. is a 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit organization. We are dedicated to supporting the students and staff of the Woodbury High School Band program in developing their musical abilities, personal growth and building community so that they may best learn, create, perform, and strive to be their best selves both individually and as a member of the band and/or ensembles. We are committed to helping support and provide funding for the Woodbury High School Band Program each year in as many ways as we possibly can.
The Woodbury High School Band program is BOTH curricular (daily classroom instruction, concerts and more!) as well as extracurricular (marching band, pep band, jazz band, ensembles, drumline and more!) With so many opportunities for our students both in and out of the classroom, there are many needs for support year-round.
The boosters donates over $10,000 to the band program annually, as well as to other various band related capital improvement projects as they arise. Without the help and support of the booster program, the Woodbury High School Band program would not exist as it does today.
As an example, during the 2009-10 school year, the Woodbury Royals Band Boosters garnered over $60,000 to purchase uniforms for the recently re-established marching band program. These uniforms are highlighted in our cover photo above at a home football game as well as in several of the photo gallery photos!
Every dollar donated is greatly appreciated .... We thank you for your consideration and helping up achieve our goals to support these outstanding band students and staff in as many ways as we can!
As previously mentioned, Woodbury Royals Band Boosters Inc is a 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit organization. Your donation may be deductible as a charitable deduction for income tax purposes.
Organization name
Woodbury Royals Band Boosters Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Children & Family