Organization name
WoMen's Rural Advocacy Programs, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Children & Family , Community , Volunteer , Emergencies
WRAP has been designated to serve victims of domestic violence and sex trafficking/exploitation in Lincoln, Lyon, Redwood, and Yellow Medicine Counties. In October of 2023, WRAP became the designated agency to provide services to victims of sexual assault in Yellow Medicine County. WRAP was established as 501(c)3 non-profit agency in 1994.
Services include victim compensation applications, information and referrals, personal advocacy, emotional support or safety services, shelter/housing, and criminal/civil justice system assistance.
All of these services are free and confidential.
Your tax-deductible gift will mean so much as we help victims and their children:
$25: A gas card can be provided to victims and children, as they flee domestic violence. They often need help with transportation expenses to get to a safe place or meet with a WRAP advocate.
$50: A gift card to a local store, for basic needs, is provided to victims and their children. When people flee domestic violence they often leave everything behind. WRAP provides items such as diapers and wipes, toothpaste, laundry soap, clothing, etc.
$100: Safe shelter and food for 1 night can be provided. As people are fleeing, they often need a safe place to stay until they can work with a WRAP advocate.
$200: Help a victim and their children, by supplying a deposit for utilities, as they restart their lives in a new home.
$450: Provide a victim and their children four nights of safe housing, in a hotel as they flee from violence. All food and personal care items are provided for the family during this time.
$650: One month’s worth of rent for the WRAP safe house, which is located throughout the Lincoln, Lyon, Redwood, and Yellow Medicine Counties. A victim and their children are able to stay up to 29 days at a secured house, as they work on progressing forward.
Our goal is to raise $1,000 this year and you can help us reach it. You can donate TODAY and it will count towards Give to the Max!
The mission of WoMen’s Rural Advocacy Programs, Inc. (WRAP) is to provide safety; advocacy, and assistance for those victimized by domestic violence and sex trafficking/exploitation in Southwest Minnesota; as well as community awareness through prevention and education. WRAP promotes social change through equality, honesty, and an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect.
Since its beginning in 1994, WRAP’s policy has been to recognize the needs of domestic violence victims it serves in Lincoln, Lyon, Redwood & Yellow Medicine Counties in Southwestern Minnesota. In July 2020, a Safe Harbor Supportive Services grant was awarded to the agency to work with victims of sex trafficking/exploitation in the same service area. In October of 2023, WRAP was designated to provide services to victims of sexual assault in Yellow Medicine County.
WRAP uniquely aids rural individuals and their children who are or have been victims of domestic violence, sex trafficking and/or exploitation, and sexual assault by offering the following FREE & CONFIDENTIAL services:
Organization name
WoMen's Rural Advocacy Programs, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Children & Family , Community , Volunteer , Emergencies
PO BOX 1193