Organization name
Westonka District 277 Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
5901 Sunnyfield Rd EastMound, MN 55364
$9,765 raised by 60 donors
49% complete
$20,000 Goal
Are you wondering who and what is the Westonka District 277 Foundation?
If so, here are the basics: The Westonka District 277 Foundation was formed in 1996. It is a nonprofit organization staffed completely by volunteers. Aside from modest business expenses, all donations are used to benefit students in our Westonka Schools. To achieve our mission, we depend on the generous support of individuals like you.
Through the generosity of past supporters, every child in the Westonka Schools has benefited from our efforts. In the spring, we are able to award scholarships through the Colonel Brown and Bill Gillespie endowment funds.
In the fall Westonka staff apply to the Foundation for funds needed to further enrich their curriculum in ways not covered in the school budget. Since 1999, the Foundation has awarded $228,390 in student focused grants.
Grants are not limited to just teachers: anyone with a project that provides an opportunity for learning is eligible to apply. Besides grants to teachers and schools, grants have been awarded to the Special Education Advisory Board, the Westonka Healthy Community Collaborative, the Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with MWHS art students among others.
The grants awarded for 2023-24 will benefit children at all levels from preschool through high school. Staff have expressed excitement about specific ways they will implement projects using the funds, supporting both core academics as well as creative opportunities. Grants this year will buy many supplemental books for primary and middle school reading programs, classroom tech materials including Logitech crayons for staff and student creativity, free-standing chimes for the band program, materials and supplies for the newly remodeled behavior management area at the Middle School, reusable stencils for interactive playground markings, Rubik’s cubes for whole grade level creative problem solving, and more.
Please consider a tax deductible gift to the Foundation so we can continue our work of awarding grants for creative proposals from staff.
We welcome donations of any size and are always grateful for your donation!
Organization name
Westonka District 277 Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
5901 Sunnyfield Rd East