Organization name
West Seventh / Fort Road Federation Inc
other names
West 7th / Fort Road Federation
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Volunteer
395 W Superior StreetSaint Paul, MN 55102
The West 7th/Fort Road Federation is the District 9 Community Council for the West 7th Street neighborhood. We unite neighbors, local businesses and organizations to solve issues that impact the vitality and livability of the community.
Our Mission
The Fort Road Federation coordinates participation in advocacy and planning and builds community connections for the residents, businesses, and nonprofit organizations of the West 7th neighborhood so that it is a place where people want to live, work, and play.
Our Vision
A neighborhood that is vibrant, supportive, welcoming, and safe.
With your support, we can continue to make a lasting impact and keep our community strong. From public safety initiatives and advocacy for better pedestrian infrastructure to community events and beautification projects, the Federation leads the way in fostering a healthy, connected neighborhood. Your donation today will directly support these efforts and more.
We have a 2024 goal of $2000! Any donation, large or small helps us reach this goal.
Organization name
West Seventh / Fort Road Federation Inc
other names
West 7th / Fort Road Federation
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Volunteer
395 W Superior Street