Organization name
Wellcome Manor Family Services
Tax id (EIN)
112 N MAIN STGARDEN CITY, MN 56034-0000
Often, when a woman enters substance abuse treatment, a dilemma is created as to where her children will go during that time.
In most cases, while mom learns and grows, her children are not a part of the process.
In response to this need, Wellcome Manor Family Services has developed a program that addresses both of these issues. The entire family will be invested in the process of change. Wellcome Manor is one of few residential treatment centers in the state of Minnesota to allow both primary and extended care treatment participation by women and their children.
Wellcome Manor approaches treatment in many different ways. Each client is treated on an individual basis and will work with Staff to come up with a treatment plan which will put her on a path to recovery.
Wellcome Manor is licensed by the State of MN - Department of Human Services under Rule 3 and Rule 31.
Founded in 2007, Wellcome Manor is a non-profit organization. Support our mission of Healing Relationships Through Recovery. Our families can be more successful with your support. Your support can come in many shapes and sizes - through volunteer time, Adopt-a-Family Program , Wellcome Manor Sponsorship , or donating items from our Giving List . For a copy of our Giving List , please contact us at 507-546-3295.
Organization name
Wellcome Manor Family Services
Tax id (EIN)