Vote Climate

A nonprofit organization

15% complete

$15,000 Goal

Our Mission: Vote Climate is a non-partisan organization dedicated to encouraging public awareness of the climate crisis and associated justice issues. Our efforts include unifying communities in order to promote climate solutions and supporting legislative actions that address climate issues. Voting will amplify our voices.

We show up and we have moxy. This year we helped launch Bill MCKibben’s Third Act, Minnesota chapter. We walked the northern suburbs in support for what ended up the critical vote that established a trifecta in Minnesota and led to sweeping climate legislation the likes of which we’ve never seen before. We performed our “Breakfast of Climate Champions” skit at the state fair AND met with a principal researcher for Kernza and other grains at the University of Minnesota to advance our efforts. These efforts and so many other ways in which 

we show up are why 

Vote Climate is a vital part of our climate community.

Our Vision: We envision a future in which there is ample safe access to voting, including extending voting rights to reformed felons and youth under the age of 18, and in which information about issues related to climate are based in science and social justice. It is critical that we elect Climate Champions who will craft policy around proven solutions to the crisis of climate change and will focus on the health and safety of their constituents over the greed of fossil fuel industries.

Thank you for your generous support of our work at Vote Climate. Please know that we honor your contributions with our dedication to address the most important issue of our time, the climate crisis. 

Join us in our work. We would love to hear from you! 

There’s work to do.

Mother Nature and the Curmudgeon Politician at the

Minnesota State Fair Ecoexperience Building 

“The Breakfast of Climate Champions”

Performed by the Vote Climate players

Organization Data


Organization name

Vote Climate

Tax id (EIN)



