Vadnais Heights Elementary

Public School

19 donors

Please support our school's literacy and family engagement goal!

Vadnais Heights Elementary School is a proud neighborhood school in Vadnais Heights, Minnesota.  We are part of the White Bear Lake Area School District. Our school serves over 375 students in Grades K through 5. Our staff works together to help each student reach their greatest potential.

Together we balance social and emotional development with excellence in academics. We embrace diversity and inclusive experiences. Our school embodies the values of B.E.A.R.S. (Brave, Empathetic, Aware, Responsible and Safe) in everything we do and recognize and build upon the unique strengths and creativity of individuals.

This year's goal is to expand our literacy outreach to students and create more opportunities for our families to engage in school learning activities and make social connections.

Organization Data


Organization name

Vadnais Heights Elementary

NCES ID Number





3645 Centerville Road
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127