Triple Gem of the North

A nonprofit organization

68 donors

Triple Gem of the North is a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and practice of the teachings of the Buddha, meditation, and a Mindful way of living. Triple Gem sponsors meditation and Buddhist Sutta study events, as well as mindfulness and meditation retreats.

These teachings are offered unconditionally in the essence of dana (selfless generosity). Those who wish may also practice dana by offering a donation so that we may continue our work to inspire people seeking illumination. At the end of events and retreats, tax-deductible donations are also accepted for Triple Gem of the North.

Our long-term goal is to maintain space for meditation practice and a retreat center where people can come to meditate for any period of time, supported by resident teachers of the dhamma. On a periodic basis, the center will sponsor meditation retreats led by a resident or visiting teachers. There will also be weekly meditation classes. The center is operated on a dana basis meaning there will be no charge to those who wish to practice.

Triplegem is operated by a voluntary board.

Organization Data


Organization name

Triple Gem of the North

Tax id (EIN)



212 N Chestnut St.
Chaska, MN 55318

