think2perform Research Institute

A nonprofit organization

7 donors

71% complete

$4,500 Goal

Would you like to become a better leader and help others in your community to do so too? 

The think2perform RESEARCH INSTITUTE in a registered 501c3 nonprofit with the mission of advancing moral, purposeful and emotionally intelligent leadership  for ALL. We accomplish this mission by:

  • Developing our next generation of leaders through the Future Leaders Academy for youth.
  • Funding  research on current issues faced by leaders, such as "what makes a good mentor?"
  • Publishing the findings for the benefit of ALL, through our INSIGHTS magazine, folios, and on-line. 
  • Developing practical applications and sharing new practices at conferences and training events.

The RESEARCH INSTITUTE  focuses on ALL leaders, but especially youth and those without access to high-quality professional development resources, such as nonprofits and small businesses. 

In November 2019, the INSTITUTE sponsored the Living & Leading with Purpose conference for the community. With sold-out attendance of over 300 individuals, the conference inspired individuals to become leaders in community causes for their wellbeing and to positively impact others in need. Speakers included thought leaders, who donated their time in support of this cause, among them:

  •  nationally known authors Doug Lennick and Richard Leider, 
  • leading academics, including Stanford's Lori Nishiura Mackenzie,
  • executive coaches Kris Petersen and Ruth Tongen, 
  • socially-active leaders Kim Nelson, Becky Roloff, John Taft and MN Supreme Court Justice Alan Page.

Photos from the event follow>

Since inception in 2016, t2pRI has sponsored research  addressing:

  • Developing self-awareness and emotional intelligence

  • Leader coaching of virtual teams for greater engagement

  • Creating commitment among Millennials

  • Leadership development of engineers

  • Emotional intelligence and burnout

  • Characteristics of a good mentor

The t2p RESEARCH INSTITUTE INSIGHTS magazine profiles our Research Fellows, their research and leadership best practices. Visit the and select the News tab to download a copy of the magazine, as well as access articles on our research. Questions? Contact Executive Director Brian Hammer, PhD at

Then please support the work of the think2perform RESEARCH INSTITUTE , a nonprofit 501c3, by giving generously on Give to the Max Day. You may donate IN THREE WAYS:

  1. Through our website, a credit card, or 

  2. Though the website, this site. Simply click on the DONATE button below.

  3. By writing a check made payable to think2perform Research Institute and mailing it to our address at 706 2nd Ave S, Suite 271, Minneapolis, MN 55402.

All contributions are tax-deductible. An acknowledgement of your gift will be sent to you.

Organization Data


Organization name

think2perform Research Institute

Tax id (EIN)



Science, Tech & Business Economic Development Ideas


706 2ND AVE S STE 271



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